Sunday, December 9, 2007
Chapter 13 - Summary
Sentence 1: big idea
Sentence 2: beginning event
Sentence 3: middle event
Sentence 4: ending event
Sentence 5: your thoughts and why
Sentnece 6: prediction
Chapter 13 - Questions
1. What is the setting in this chapter?
2. What has changed in Cole?
3. What does Rosie help Cole realize on p.107?
4. What did Cole do with the bear hair? Explain why you think he did this.
5. What did Cole learn about anger from Garvey and Edwin on page 111.
Chapter 13 - Skill
In this chapter highlight two things that show the setting.
Circle evidence of how the problem is resolved.
Underline the text that shows a difference in Cole.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Chapter 12 - Summary
Chapter 12 - Questions
•1. Why was the bear leaving significant to Cole? Pg 93
•2. Infer why Spirit bear came back on pg 96.
•3. What does Cole realize about the world on p. 97?
•4. Why was touching the bear important to Cole on page 97?
•5. What does he mean at the end of the chapter, “I am okay” ?
Chapter 12 - Skill
•Visualizing (2) pg #’s
•Characterization (1) : How is the character changing?
•Infer (2) Pg #’s: What did you have to figure out that the author did not tell you?
Monday, December 3, 2007
Chapter 11 - Summary

Sentence 1: the big idea of this chapter
Sentence 2: a detail from the beginning of the chapter
Sentence 3: a detail from the middle of the chapter
Sentence 4: a detail from the end of the chapter
Sentence 5: what you thought of this chapter and WHY
Sentence 6: your predictions for what will happen next
Chapter 11 - Questions

Include information on two of the following topics:
•What happened with the mouse.
•What he took from the rain shower this time.
•The significance of spitting at the bear.
•How is Cole changing.
Be proud of what you write. Let me see how well you understand what you read. Use a great conversation style of writing.
Chapter 11 - Skill

•Characterization (2) pg #’s : What is the character’s personality and how is it changing?
•Context Clues (2) Pg #’s:
1. Find two unknown words.
2. Write the sentence with that word.
3. Then write a definition for what you think that word means using the rest of the sentence to help you.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Chapter 10 - Summary

Chapter 10 - Discussion

- what Cole learned from the birds
- his survival techniques
- what idea would you give Cole for survival
Remember to use complete sentences in paragraph format. Your thoughts should be well developed and use wonderful grammar.
I look forward to reading what you thought about this chapter!
Chapter 10 - Skill
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Chapter 9 - Summary
•Overall idea of what happened in the chapter
•Beginning rising action
•Middle rising action
•End rising action
•Your thoughts and feelings
* Your prediction
Chapter 9 - Questions
•1. Why did Cole hate the baby birds?
•2. What appeared during the storm?
•3. Do you think it was real?
•4. What happened on the bottom paragraph on p. 77?
•5. Why were the baby birds important to Cole on p. 79?
•6. How do Cole and the birds compare?
Chapter 9 - Skill
•Visualizing (2)
pg #’s
•“I wonder…” (2)
pg #’s
•Realizations (2) These are things the characters realizes about himself through different experiences.
pg #’s
Monday, November 19, 2007
Chapter 8 - Summary

Write in complete sentences in paragraph form.
Use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Sentence 1: Overall idea
Sentence 2: Beginning event
Sentence 3: Middle event
Sentence 4: Ending event
Sentence 5: Your thoughts and feelings and why
Sentence 6: Prediction
Chapter 8 - Questions

1. What injuries did Cole sustain from the bear (3)?
2. Why was Cole mad at the seagulls?
3. What did he do with the clump of fur and why does he do this?
4. Why does he call the bear a “stupid lumbering moron”?
5. What emotion did he find even more unbearable than the pain and why?
Chapter 8 - Skill

•Visualize (2)
Write 2 sentences explaining the picture that was created in your mind as you read.
Pg #’s
•Mood (2)
Describe what mood the author wants you to feel during reading.
Pg #’s
•“I Wonder…” Questions (2)
Write two questions that you asked yourself while reading this chapter.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Chapter 7 - Summary
Chapter 7 - Questions

1. How does he feel now about burning his shelter and supplies?
2. How does Cole find food?
3. What is Cole’s plan of escape?
4. Why does Cole want to kill the Spirit Bear?
5. Why do you think the Spirit Bear does not move?
Chapter 7 - Skill

Questions (2)
Write 2 "I wonder..." questions over chapter 7
Write the page number where you asked that question.
Visualizing (2)
Write about 2 different scenes where the author creates great images.
Write the page number where you visualized.
Rising Actions (3)
Write a sentence about each of the 3 main events of the chapter.
Include the page numbers for each action.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Chapter 6 - Summary
Sentence 1: overall idea
Sentence 2: beginning idea
Sentence 3: middle idea
Sentence 4: end idea
Sentence 5: Thoughts and feelings over the chapter
Sentence 6: Your prediction for what might happen next.
Chapter 6 - Questions
1. What fight did Cole and his father have during Circle Justice? P. 48
2. What are Peter’s mother’s feelings towards Cole on page 50?
3. What is wrong with Peter? P. 50
4. What does Garvey mean by “He’s not the only one” on p. 52?
5. Who’s ideas was the banishment?p.55
Chapter 6 - Skill
1. Write 2 sentences describing what pictures came into your head as you read the chapter.
Write the page numbers for each description.
Mood (2) – What the author what you to feel while reading.
2. Write 2 sentences explaing the mood you felt during the chapter.
Write the page numbers for each mood.
Questioning (2) – You need to ask yourself questions as you read. "I wonder..."
3. Write 2 "I wonder..." questions.
Write the page number where you asked yourself the questions.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Chapter 5 - Summary
Chapter 5 - Questions

1. Why were Cole’s swimming strokes unsuccessful? P. 42
2. Where did Cole wake up? P. 44
3. What bothered Cole the most about the spirit bear on p. 45?
4. Who does Cole blame for his actions? P. 45
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Chapter 5 - Skill

Pictures you can see in your mind.
Write a sentence summarizing what you can see.
Write a sentence summarizing another image that came to your mind
Problems that happen in the story
Write a sentence summarizing a person vs. self conflict
Write a sentence summarizing a person vs. person conflict.
Pages #
How the author wants you to feel.
Write a sentence summarizing a mood the author wants you to feel.
Page #
Friday, November 2, 2007
Chapter 4 - Summary
Chapter 4 - Questions

1. What is the purpose of the Healing Circle? P. 35
2. What is the purpose of the feather? P.38
3. Why are some of the people joining the circle?
4. How are Cole and his father the same? P. 40
5. Why did Peter’s speech at the end of the chapter affect Cole?
Chapter 4 - Skill

The author helps create pictures in your mind.
3. Write a sentence summarizing a picture that was created in your mind while reading this chapter.
*Write the page number where the author helped you visualize.
Monday, October 22, 2007
TSB - Chapter 3 - Summary
TSB - Chapter 3 - Questions

2. How does Cole really feel about being on the island? p. 31
3. Why is he laughing on p. 30?
4. Why is Cole swimming?
TSB - Chapter 3 - Skill
1. Similes – comparing two unlike items using “like” or “as”
- Find 2 similies, write them in the comment box and then write the page on which they were found.
2. Conflict – problems that happening in the story. There are 5 different types of conflict:
person v. person
person v. self
person v. nature
person v. fate
person v. society (group of people)
- Write a sentence using an example from this chapter to show one type of conflict.
3. Text to Self Connections – how can you relate to this story
- Write a sentences sharing how you can relate to Cole and what he is going through.
Friday, October 19, 2007
TSB - Chapter 2 - Summary
TSB - Chapter 2 - Questions

•1. What does the island look like when Cole gets there?
•2. What did Cole do with his anger at the end of the chapter?
•3. Why did Garvey and Edwin ignore Coles question on p.16?
•4. What advise does Edwin give Cole before leaving?
•5. Why do you think there was a bitter flavor in Cole’s mouth on p. 25?
TSB - Chapter 2 - Skill

1. *Character development is the way an author develops a character by scattering clues throughout the story.
2. *Write a sentence explaining what we learn about Cole's personality in this chapter.
3. *Write the page number.
•Point of View
1. *Point of View is the perspective or vantage point of the author or who is telling the story. Look for clues like "I did..." or "I said..." This would tell you it was the character telling the story. If the clues say: "Cole did..." or "Cole said..." then it would be the narrator telling the story.
2. *Write a sentence from the story that gives an expamle of who is telling the story.
3. *Write a sentence that tells who is telling the story.
1. Similes are comparisons using “like or as”
2. *Find a simile in the second chapter and type it in the comment box.
3. *Write the page number where you found the simile.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
TSB - Chapter 1 - Summary
TSB - Chapter 1 - Questions

• 1. Why is Cole going to Ketchikan, Alaska?
• 2. Who are the 2 people with him and why are they going?
• 3. Why does he spit on page 5?
• 4. What did Cole do to get him in so much trouble?
• 5. What is Circle Justice and why does Cole choose it?
TSB Chapter 1 - Skill

–A change in time; to tell something that happened during an earlier time
1. Find an example of a flashback in this chapter. Write a sentence summarizing the flashback. Then write the page number.
–Comparing two unlike items using “like” or “as”
2. Find a simile in this chapter. Write the simile and the page number.
–The background information on the character
3. Find one example of exposition on Cole. Write a sentence explaining what you learned and then the page number.