Please write three sentences telling us what you think about what happened to Cole in this chapter. Include in your discussion:
- what Cole learned from the birds
- his survival techniques
- what idea would you give Cole for survival
Remember to use complete sentences in paragraph format. Your thoughts should be well developed and use wonderful grammar.
I look forward to reading what you thought about this chapter!
I think that cole finally learned that there is more people or animals in this chapter. I think that he is some what stupid because I would never try to hurt the bear I mean IT'S A BEAR hello. If I was him for one I would have tried to find some food because he never realy put any effort into it.
I think that Cole finally learned that there is more people or animals in this chapter. Cole is some what stupid because I would never ever try to hurt the bear. It's a bear hello. If I was him for one I would have tried to find some food because he never really put any effort into it.
I think Cole finally learned that there is more people or animals in this chapter. I think that he is some what stupid because I would never try to hurt the bear I mean IT'S A BEAR hello. I think that he is some what stupid because I would never try to hurt the bear I mean is't a bear hello.
I think what Cole learned from the birds was have food,shelter,warmth.
I think Cole's survival techniques are finding food when he's injured and putting the at.oow over him to keep him warm. I would suggst not to burn down your shelter and to face the spirit bear.
What Cole learned from the baby birds is that he needs to find somthing easy to eat "Worms, Bugs"
and thats what he ate. My Advise for Cole is to bring a blanket next time if you want to kill a bear, and water.
What Cole learned from the baby birds is that he needs to find something easy to eat "Worms, Bugs, and what he ate. Cole should not try to attack the bear.
I think Cole finally learned that their is more people or animals in this chapter. Coles survival techniques are that he finds food and water. The idea that I would give to Cole is that Always bring a knife and a lighter.
Cole laerned not to be jealous of the birds because bad things can happen to them too. If I were Cole I would have never messed with the bear in the first place. IT'S A BEAR!!! An idea I would give Cole is to search for food he's bairly even tried. I mean he's found some bugs but that's pretty NASTY.
I think Cole finally learned that there is more people or animals in this chapter. I think that he is some what stupid because I would never try to hurt the bear I mean IT'S A BEAR hello. I think that he is some what stupid because I would never try to hurt the bear I mean isn't a bear hello.
That he needs his mother to preserve dinner. When you get something to survive with never burn it. I think that he kinda deserved it but yet did not deserve it.
He learned to be feeling good.The idea the i would give would to try to stay alive.
Cole learned from the birds that his parents arent taking good care of him.
To eat the things around him.
To stay dry and warm as much as possible.
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