Write a summary in paragraph form over chapter 4.
•Sentence 1: Overall idea of what happened in the chapter
•Sentence 1: Overall idea of what happened in the chapter
•Sentence 2: Beginning rising action
•Sentence 3: Middle rising action
•Sentence 4: End rising action
•Sentence 5: Your thoughts and feelings
This is what your post should look like:
The overall idea of this chapter was the group getting together and making pizzas. At first they were taught how to make the dough so that it bakes up nice and fresh. Then they broke into groups and made their own pies. Finally they celebrated with a feast where all the groups tasted what the others had made. I would have loved to try some of the interesting pizzas that they created.
What happened is that Cole had to go to circle thing. He was swimming. he had to make a speech. peter made a speech to make Cole feel bad.
not done
In the beinning of the chapter Cole was Swim
....not done
Cole had to go to circle justice because, he beat up cole. Cole started to get scared. cole swam one mile in a freezing cold water. Cole had a terrible flashback. I think peter will for give cole a little.
The idea in this story is that evryone comes to the circle justice and cole realizes what he has done to Peter Driscal. cole still is being really mean to peter because he doesnt realize what he did. Peter looks at cole and coel gave him a glare and peters laywer was watching and that was not a good thing to do. my thougths are Why cant cole just be nice so he can get out of that hole that he says he doesnt like?
Cole tries to swim to a different island.Cole is going through circle justice.He sees Peter Drscal.Cole gets scared at the end of the chapter.I think Cole is not going to make it to the next island.
This is what happened cole had to a court type thing....but it was a circle of justice and cole and his family made a speech so did peter...i think that peter might of did that to make cole feel bad.
The idea in this story is that evryone comes to the circle justice and Cole realizes what he has done to Peter Driscal. Cole still is being really mean to peter because he doesnt realize what he did. Peter looks at Cole and Cole gave him a glare and peters laywer was watching and
he didn`t want him to see him.
The main idea of the chapter is that Cole goes to circle justice to confess what he did. Garvey tells Cole that he has to got to circle justice. Everyone has to tell about themselves holding a feather. Peter told what happened to him when he was injured. I really feel sorry for Peter and I hope Cole will ever become friends with Peter.
1)He Is still trying to get to an island,
2)he his hurting all over the place.
3)While he was swimming he had a flashback.
4)He was thinking about when he was in Circle Justice, It's not just called Circle Justice It's called whatever is happening in the Meeting.
Cole had go to circle justice to see what's going on. Then when he got to circle justice he had to make a speech. But when Peter made his speech it made Cole feel bad.
1. they were having circle justice in the prison
2.he heard a speaker and he was listening to it
3.he tryed to get out of jail
4.he enjoyed the speaker and what he was saying
5. i thought it tiught cole a lesson
Cole went to Circle Justice meeting.Peter enterd the room stumbling.The feather was past around the room.Cole felt bad about what he did to Peter.I feel bad about what happend to Peter.
The overall idea is them getting together for the Circle Justice
What happened in this chapter was that Cole remembered everybody gathered around for the healing circle to talk about Cole's anger and how it needs to be stopped. Cole and his father got in a fight and brought up all this stuff about Cole's dad not loving him and that kind of stuff. And all of a sudden the flashback is over and Cole is swimming in freezing cold water and it is raining. I think that Cole is going to freeze to death and get really sick.
He is swimming throug not done
He had a flash back on how he went to court. Cole asked his mom to say that his dad did beat him when he was drunk. And his mom did not say anything. And then his dad got mad. I do not like his dad right now.
what happened in this storie ws that Cole was at a meeting. Peter came walking in. Cole had to make a speach. Peter talked and made Cole feel bad. I feel that Cole shouldnt of done that.
The overall main idea of the chapter is that cole is swimming while he is having a flashback of the circle justice. He was swimming and then he had a flashback. His flashback was about the circle justice. At the end of the flashback cole tried to act innocent but it didnt work out well. I think that cole should be on that island for quite some time.
start here
The overall idea is Cole swimming while he is having a flashback.When he was swimming the flashback was about when they were mitting for the Circle Justice.Was about when Cole's dad lies when he has the feather.Then at the end of the flashback was when Cole was acting innocent but he wasn't.I think I fell bad for everybody because Coles is lieing all the time.
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