After reading the chapter, answer the following questions in complete sentences, restating the question in your answer.
1. What injuries did Cole sustain from the bear (3)?
2. Why was Cole mad at the seagulls?
3. What did he do with the clump of fur and why does he do this?
4. Why does he call the bear a “stupid lumbering moron”?
5. What emotion did he find even more unbearable than the pain and why?
1. What injuries did Cole sustain from the bear (3)?
2. Why was Cole mad at the seagulls?
3. What did he do with the clump of fur and why does he do this?
4. Why does he call the bear a “stupid lumbering moron”?
5. What emotion did he find even more unbearable than the pain and why?
1. Cole restrained 2 broken ribs, peirced hands, and a broken jaw.
2. The seagulls kept eating his remains
3. Cole put the lock of fur in his pocket.
4. Cole said that because the bear beat him up.
5. The emotion i felt was really discusted by the description given by the author like the flesh was everywhere
1. Injuries that cole substained was his fingers were broken, his right arm was broke, and he broke his jaw.
2.Cole was mad at the seagualls because they were eating of
coles riped stomach.
3.What he does with the lump of the fur is put it in his pocket so if he makes it back alive he has it to prove that he faught back agingst the bear.
4.not done
1. He got a broken jaws.
2. They were pecking at his chunks of skin.
3. He put it in his pocket so he could brag about it later.
4. He hates it.
5. He was scared.
1. Broken arm, broken hip, and broken jaw is what injuries he sustained.
2. He got mad at the seagulls because they were eating his meat and flesh.
3. He put the clump of fur into his pocket so he could tell people that he had a fight with a bear.
1 Cole got a broken cheek, he broke his ribs,and he got bit in the leg by the bear.
2 Cole was mad at the seagulls because they were eating Coles skin and his muscles.
3 Cole put the lump of fur i his pocket to safe it.
4 Cole called him that because the bear beat him up and hurt him really bad.
5 The emotion he felt was mad at himself because he burned down the shelter and he feels as if he should of went to jail instead of the island.
1. What happend when the bear acted broken wrist, open chest, riped flesh.
not done
1.)Some injuries that cole substained was that he had broken ribs, deep to the bone scrtaches from the bears claws,he also had broken ribs.
2.)Cause the seagulls were bothering him and pecking at him.
3.)The reason he put the lump of fur in his pocket was because if he made it back alive he would prove that he fought and took on a bear.
4.)Because the bear didn;t get scared of him he beated him up.
5.)the emotion that cole was feeling was scared and he was akeing all over and he was afraid of what death felt like.
1. Coles injuries were a broken pelvis, broken arm, and broken ribs.
2. He was mad at them because they were eatting his flesh and they arnt afraid of them.
3. He puts the fur in his pocket so if he lives he can brag about it.
4. He says thie because it attacked him and then left.
5. What felt worse was sorro because he thought of Peter like this.
1. Cole had a broken arm, ripped open chest, and a broken hip.
2. Cole was mad at the seagles because, they were eating the meat and flesh from cole.
3. He put the fur in his pocket and said he was going to prove to everyone he has fought a bear.
4. Cole calls the bear a "stupid lumbering moron" because it attacked him and left him to the seagles.
5. He wondered what death felt like.
1.Cole broke his jaw, ribs, and the bear tore his arm out of his socket.
2.Cole was mad at the seagulls because the seagulls were taking his flesh.
3.Cole takes the fur and he puts the fur in his pocket so if he survives then he can prove he fought a bear.
4.Cole calls the bear that because he wanted to beat the bear up.
5.The emotion was the bear he realized what he was doing.
1.Cole's injuries were breaken ribs,breaken right arm skraches on his stomach.
2.Cole is mad at the seagulls beacause thay are eating his skin.
3.Cole puts the fur in his pocket so he can prove he fought a bear.
4.Cole called him that because the bear wouldn't stop betting him up.
5.The worst pain was that he is going to die.
1. The injuries that Cole has are boken ribs, broken arm, peirced hands.
2. What Cole was mad at the seagulls was that they were picking at his flesh.
3. What Cole did with the fur was he put in his pocket and why so he can prove he faced the bear.
4. Why he calls the bear a "stupid lumbering moron" is because it nearly killed him.
5. What emotion that was more unbearable was worry because he didn't know if he was going to die.
1. Cole injuries that he sustained from the Bear are that he had a broken jaw and a couple broken ribs.
2. Cole was made at the seagulls because they keep on eating his fleash or his skin.
3. Cole takes the clump of clay and just throws the fur ball as far as he possibly could he does all this because he is very depressed and mad at the bear.
4. Cole calles the Bear a stupid lumbering moron because when he threw the spear to try and hit the Bear to kill him but he missed because the Bear charged out of the way of the spear so that he would not get killed.
5. Cole found the most unbearable emotion more than pain was that he could not even move his legs and could barly move his arm and he could not get back up off the ground.
1) Coles injuries is a bite on the sholder a busted jaw and his ribs cracked.
2) Cole was mad at the seagulls because they were eating is flesh than they whent off and eat somthing else.
3) Cole is going to show all his friends the clump of fur and say he fought a bear, he did this so his friends new he fought back.
4) Cole called the bear that name because the bear was trying to kill him.
5) Cole was feeling sorry for what he did to Peter and now know how it feels.
1. Cole got his ribs broken.
2. Cole was mad at the seagulls because they were staring at him.
3. he covers him self up because he is cold.
4. Cole calls it that name because he is mad at it.
5. anger he was angry at the bear.
1. Injuries that cole substained was his fingers were broken, his right arm was broke, and he broke his jaw.
2. Cole was mad at the seagualls because they were eating of
coles riped stomach.
3. What he does with the lump of the fur is put it in his pocket so if he makes it back alive he has it to prove that he faught back agingst the bear.
4. Cole calls the spirit bear a "stupid lumbering moron" because the spirit bear is not scared of Cole.
5. Cole is feeling sorry for what he did to Peter and now he is getting payback
1. The injuries that cole has is cracked ribs,brocken jaw,and brocken arm.
2.Cole is mad because they are treating him like an animal.
3. He put it in his poket to show is friend.
4.Cole called him that because the bear beat him up and hurt him really bad.
5.Because he allready dreamed this in his dream.
1. Broken arm, broken hip, and broken jaw is what injuries he sustained.
2. He got mad at the seagulls because they were eating his meat and flesh.
3. He put the clump of fur into his pocket so he could tell people that he had a fight with a real bear.
4. he called the bear that because the bear did to him what he did to peter.
5. The emotion he felt was lonly and that was the pain unbearable bacause that was his fear.
1.The injury Cole sustain a borken arm,broken jaw,broken ribs,leg bit,arm bit and more
2.Cole was mad at the seagaulls because they kept eatting his skin
3.So he can proof that he lived from the bear
4.because he kept staring at him and he thiught he was stupid.
5.He feel no emotion because he was in pain after the bear was done attacking him.
1. What happend when the bear acted broken wrist, open chest, riped flesh.
2. They were eating him.
3. He put it in his pocket.
4. He said that because he beat him up.
5. He feat concerned.
1.Broken jaw,ribs
not done
He had 2 broken ribs puffed hands also a gash in his side a broken jaw and a huge claw mark on his chest.
Cole was mad at the seagulls because they were eating his meat from off of his body.
He puts the fur in his pocket because he wants to prove that he faught off a bear> not done
1. Injuries that Cole subtained was his fingers were broken, his right arm was broke, and he broke his jaw.
2. Cole was mad at the seagulls because, they were eating off of his riped stomach.
3.What he does with the lump of the fur is put it in his pocket so if he makes it back alive he has something to prove that he fought back agingst the bear.
4. Cole called the bear that name because, the beat was trying to kill him.
5. Cole was feeling sorry for what he had done to Peter and now knows how it feels.
1)Broken elbow,broken ribcage, chunks of meat out of his leg.
Not Done
1.Cole broke his jaw, he got bit in the leg, and his fingers got cut.
2.Cole was mad at the seagulls because they kept eating off of him.
3.He put it in his pocket so he can prove that he tried to fight back to the bear.
4.cole calls the bear a 'stupid lumbering moron because the bear hurt cole really badly.
5.the emotion he felt was scared because he got hurt.
1.Injuries that Cole has sustained was his fingers were broken, his right arm was broke ,and he broke his jaw.
2.Cole was mad at the seagulls because,they were eating off of his riped stomach.
3.What he does with the lump of the fur is put it in his pocket so if he makes it back alive he has something to prove that he fought back agingst the bear.
4.Cole called the bear that name because, the beast was trying to kill him.
5.Cole was felling sorry for what he had done to Peter and knows how it fells.
1.Broken jaw,ribs,leg.
2.Because the sea gulls were eating his skin in the grass beside him.
3.Put it in his pocket.
4.Because the bear made him badly injured. Now cole know what it feels like.
5.Sad and made because now he knows what it feels like.
9 points possible
6th hour:
1. #3,5 nc; spelling
2. 8 - #5 nc
3. not posted
4. 8 - spelling
5. 7 - spelling; period
6. 5 - spelling; restate the question; #1,5 nc
7. 5 - #3,5 nc; spelling; periods
7th hour:
1. 8 - caps; great answers!
2. not done
3. 6 - #3,5 nc; restate the question
4. 6 - #3,5 nc; restate the question
5. 6 - #1 nc; restate the question
6. 7 - spelling; #3 nc
7. 7 - #5 nc; spelling
8. 6 - #5 nc; spelling; periods
9. 8 - caps
8th hour
1. 7 - #5 nc; spelling
2. not posted
3. not posted
4. 8 - #5 nc
5. not posted
6. 6 - #4,5 nc; spelling
7. 6 - spelling, caps; restate the question
8. #5 nc; spelling
9. not posted
He had 2 broken ribs puffed hands also a gash in his side a broken jaw and a huge claw mark on his chest.
Cole was mad at the seagulls because they were eating his meat from off of his body.
He puts the fur in his pocket because he wants to prove that he scared off a bear.
He does because it is not scared of cole and is not afraid.
He is also so sad because he doesn't know why the bear is not scared of him.
Cole's injuries include a broken ribcage, broken arm,
1)Broken elbow,broken ribcage, chunks of meat out of his leg.
2)The seagulls were eating chunks of meat from his leg and they were not afraid of him.
3)He put it in his pocket as prof that he fought a bear.
4)Because the bear beat up Cole and left him there to die.
5)Cole found that it was more unbearable to be lonely then to be in a whole bunch of pain because he had dream of it and didn't like it.
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