Write the following in complete sentences.
Questions (2)
Write 2 "I wonder..." questions over chapter 7
Write the page number where you asked that question.
Visualizing (2)
Write about 2 different scenes where the author creates great images.
Write the page number where you visualized.
Rising Actions (3)
Write a sentence about each of the 3 main events of the chapter.
Include the page numbers for each action.
Questions (2)
Write 2 "I wonder..." questions over chapter 7
Write the page number where you asked that question.
Visualizing (2)
Write about 2 different scenes where the author creates great images.
Write the page number where you visualized.
Rising Actions (3)
Write a sentence about each of the 3 main events of the chapter.
Include the page numbers for each action.
I wonder if Cole is really going to kill the bear or if he'll ket the bear help him..
page 59-60
not done!!!!!
I wonder why Cole hated the whales so much.
I wonder why Cole had a knire in his hand.
I can see the whales in the water
I can see Cole running after the seagulls.
Rising action
Not Done
I wonder if cole is going to succed at killing the bear but i dought it because its a spirit and you cant hurt thr spirits.
i can see the fire like a ribbon going up i can also see the bears.
1. I wonder if the bear is going to try to attack Cole.
2. I wonder if Cole killed the bear.
3. Were he’s sharpening his weapon.
Pg; 59
1. I love the way he talks about the spongy grass
Pg; 61
He tries to kill the bear on pg 59
The bear and Cole were eye to eye on pg63
Cole yelled at the bear.
I wonder if the bear is going to kill cole?
page 66
I wonder who is going to win the battle against the bear and Cole?
page 66
I think that the author creates great images.
page 66
I think that the author creates great images when Cole grips the knife to try and hurt the bear.
page 65
Rising actions
The three main events are that the battle is going to be really good with cole and the spirit bear.
page 66
Rising action
The second Rising action is that the bear is going to scratch Cole up like a piece of meat.
page 66
Rising action
The last Rising action is that I thing Cole is going to die.
page 67
1. I wonder if he is gunna use the At'oow to burn? p58
I wonder if Cole is really gunna kill the bear? p60
2. When he was cutting down the branch and carving it in to a speer. p59
When he was starting to run. 64
3. When he wasd walking down the bay. p63
When he was a speer. p59
When he was running (i thaugth he was not affrade of anything) p64
I wonder if the bear is going to kill cole?
page 66
I wonder if Cole is really going to kill the bear or if he'll ket the bear help him..
page 59-60
I also can see the big whale.
I also can see the pirit bear.
The first event is that the battle is going to be really good with cole and the spirit bear.
page 66
The second Rising action is that the bear is going to scratch Cole up like a piece of meat.
page 66
The last Rising action is that I think Cole is going to die.
page 67
I wonder if Cole will try to kill the bear.
pg 61
I wonder if the bear will try to attact him.
pg 61
The authir creates images from his head then he puts the picture in the book.
pg 61
The author problally pictured chuffs of air from their blowholes broke the still air.
pg 58
rising actions
Cole kept seeing the spirit bear pop up and then he tries to make it go away.
pg 61
By late afternoon, Cole eyes stung and he scratched irritably at a dozen puffy bites of mosquitoes.
pg 59
Also he tryed to go to sleep byt he had alot on his mind.
pg 60
I wonder if the spirit bear is going to kill Cole. I wonder if the spirit Bear is going to die.
"you mangy dog." He found it
Not done
I wonder if he will survive on the island because he is acting realy stupid?
I wonder if he will get to the other island?
On page 60 I can realy see a good picture about the northern lights.
Also on page 60 I can realy see the stars as frozen fireworks.
on P.59 I think that the bear back is a major parts because it is rare went it comes around. I think another one is when he eats the half eaten fish on p.62. Also on page. not done.
I wonder if Cole will kill the spirit bear.
I wonder if Cole will get off the island.
I can see Cole running after the seagulls.
I can see Cole facing the spirit bear.
rising action-
The first main event is that the spirit bear was watching him.
The second main event is that Cole needed to find food.
The last main event was that Cole was going to fight the spirit bear.
I wonder why is Cole always so angery
not done
I wonder why Cole doesnt like Killer whales so much.
I also wonder why Cole wanted to kill Spirit Bear so bad.
I can visualize Spirit Bear just standing there.
I can also see cole trying to catch the seaguglls.
not done
I wonder why Cole hated the whales so much?
I wonder if Cole will ever get off the island?
I can see the spirit bear.
I can see the whales in the water.
Rising Action
I wonder if the bear is going to kill cole?
page 66
I wonder if cole killed the bear.
I can see the segals biting cole.
I can also the gashes on his chest.
The bear and Cole were eye to eye on pg63
second main event is that the spirit bear was watching him.
last Rising action is that I think Cole is going to suffer.
page 67
I wounder why Cole hated the whales so much?
I wounder if Cole will ever get off the island?
I can see the Spirit Bear.
I can see Cole lying on the ground dying.
Rising Action-
Te battle is going to be really good with Cole and the spirit bear.
The bear is going to scratch Cole up until he dies.
I think Cole is going to die and then have the bear run away.
I wonder if he kills the bear.
I wonder how he gets the knife so sharp.
I can see the whales in the water swimming.
I can see Cole looking at the seagulls.
Rising Actions
not done
I wonder why Cole hated the whales so much?
I wonder if Cole will ever get off the island?
I can see the spirit bear.
I can see the whales in the water.
Rising Action
The first rising action is the spirit bear was waching Cole.
The second rising action is that Cole needs to find food.
The tird rising action is that Cole was tring to find the spirt bear to fight it.
I wonder why is Cole always so angery.
I wonder if Cole is going to kill the bear.
I can see wet wood.
pg. 58.
I wonder why is Cole always so angery.
I wonder if Cole is going to kill the bear.
I can see wet wood.
pg. 58.
I can see Cole and the bear.
Rising actions-
Cole and the bear met on the beach.
Cole is tring to kill the bear.
Cole thinks the bear is scared.
I wonder why is Cole always so angery.
I wonder if Cole is going to kill the bear.
I can see wet wood.
pg. 58.
I can see Cole and the bear.
Rising actions-
Cole and the bear met on the beach.
Cole is tring to kill the bear.
Cole thinks the bear is scared.
I wonder if he kills the bear.
I wonder how he gets the knife so sharp.
I can see the whales in the water swimming.
I can see Cole looking at the seagulls.
Rising Actions
The bear is on the beach.
Cole is creaping up on the bear.
Cole is not scaring the bear.
questions: i wonder if the bear is going to plan on killing Cole. i wonder if Cole gets close to killing the bear.
visualizing: I can see Cole sharpening his blade. I can also see the bear vanishing.
rising actions: In the chapter Cole sees spirit bear and gets his balde to try and kill spirit bear but when Cole turns around spirit bear is gone.
i wonder what is going to happen next. I wonder why he keeps lying.
I can see him on the island. I can see him telling his dad in front of the whole place that his dad beats him.
rising actions
They are in the court room
the justice circle
he has to put ingredients together.
I Wonder...
I Wonder if Cole is going to die on the island.
1) I can Visulize the spirt bear starring at cole.
2) I can visulize Cole yelling at the spirt bear and calling him names.
Rising Actions
The first main event is when Cole Starts to build a fire and he see's the spirt bear starring at him.
The second main event is when cole grabes his arrow and runs across the water.
The third is when Cole try's to kill the spirit bear but the bear turned on Cole and almost killed him.
I wonder if cole will kill the spirit bear.
I wonder if cole will ever get off the island.
I can see Cole running after the seagualls trying to kill them.
I can seethe spirt bear.
rising actions
The bear was watching Cole pg.63Cole is going to get scratched up by the bear. pg.66
Cole might die from when he get`s scratched by it. pg.66
I wonder if Cole will try to kill the bear.
pg 61
I wonder if the bear will try to attact him.
pg 61
The authir creates images from his head then he puts the picture in the book.
pg 61
The author problally pictured chuffs of air from their blowholes broke the still air.
pg 58
rising actions
Cole kept seeing the spirit bear pop up and then he tries to make it go away.
pg 61
By late afternoon, Cole eyes stung and he scratched irritably at a dozen puffy bites of mosquitoes.
pg 59
Also he tryed to go to sleep bye he had alot on his mind.
pg 60
he kept getting bit by the bear
pg 60
I wonder if the spirit bear is going to kill Cole. I wonder if the spirit Bear is going to die.
"you mangy dog." He found it easier to walk on the spongy grasses above the tide line.
Rising actions
Cole started a fire, he bsaw the spirit bear, found some food, saw the spirit bear again and then the bear didint move.
I wonder if he is going to make it to and island. I wonder when Garvey is coming. When he is sleeping gave a really good visualization. When he awoke he was going to swim.
I wonder why Cole hated the whales so much.
I wonder why Cole had a knife in his hand.
I can see the whales in the water
I can see Cole running after the seagulls.
Rising action
The first main event was the bear watching him
Pg 59
The second main event was that Cole needs to find food
Pg.The whole chapter
The third main event was Cole is trying to kill the Spitit Bear
I wonder if Cole is going to survive. I wonder how Cole feels right now.
I could see Cole charging and throwing his spear at the bear. And I could see Cole lying there with all his injuries
Rising actions
1.Cole gets wood to build a fire.pg.58
2.Sees the bear.pg.59
3.Cole charges at the bear.pg.64
1 I wonder if Cole is really going to kill the bear or if he'll let the bear help him.
page 59-60
2 I wonder if the bear is going to attack Cole.
page 59 -60
1 I can see when Cole saw the bear and tried to kill it.
all of the chapter
2 I can also see the bear just standing there letting cole do that to the bear and Cole getting mad.
all of the chapter
Rising actions
1.One of the main events is when Cole tries to kill the bear and the bear just standing there.
all of the chapter
2.Another main event was when Cole regrets buring down the shelter.
all of the chapter
3.The last main event was when Cole is just standing there thinking about everything.
all of the chapter
I wounder why Cole had a knife?
I wounder whyCole hated the walees so much.
Rising Action
I can see cole beat up cause of the baer left him wounded.
I wounder why Cole had a knife?
I wounder why Cole hated the wales so much.
The auther creates good imige.
Rising action
I think Cole is going to die.
I wonder if cole is going to kill the spitit bear, and i wonder why he is keeping the fur.
I can see cole feeding the fire, an i can see him fightinhg the bear.
p 58-59
Cole is woke up on the fire, Cole fought the bear cole seen the seagles eating at his flesh.
p59 60 61
10 points possible
6th hour
1. 7 - I wonder ?'s nc; page #s missing; 3rd event rising action nc
2. not posted
3. 7 - page #s; format; Rising Action #1 nc
4. 6 - Visuals #1 nc; rising actions nc
5. 8 - spelling; caps
6. 6 - pg 3s; rising actions nc
7. 8 - caps and spelling
7th hour
1. 7 - page #'s; spelling
2. 5 - format; spelling; rising actions nc
3. 5 - spelling; missing half of the assignment; page #'s
4. 6 - spelling; rising actions nc
5. 5 - format; missing half of the assignments; pg #s
6. 7 - pg #s; spelling; rising action #2 nc; visual #2 nc
7. 7 - page #'s
8. 5 - spelling; Rising actions 1,2 nc; visual #2 nc
9. 8 - spelling; page #s
8th hour
1. 6 - main event nc; spelling; caps
2. 9 - spelling
3. 5 - spelling; visualization -2; rising actions -3
4. 10 - great!
5. not posted
6. 10 - good
7. 5 - three missing sentences; spelling; rising action nc
8. 9 - spelling
9. 5 - spelling; pages #s; rising actions nc
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