Friday, October 19, 2007

TSB - Chapter 2 - Summary

Write a 5 sentence summary over Chapter 2.

•Overall idea of what happened in the chapter
•Beginning rising action
•Middle rising action
•End rising action
•Your thoughts and feelings


Anonymous said...

they dropped him off at the island and they left. He is on the boat. They tell him what he has to do to survive. Then he burns down the shelter. He is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

He was going to an island with handcuffs on and asked the guys he was with to take them off. And they keep on walking and he finally states walking to. He picked up a piece of wood and threw it hard. he lit the match and started a fire. And if I were as mad as him I would of done the same thing

Anonymous said...

The gaurds dropped Cole off and his stuff and then just left. Then they ask him to take the handcuffs off. All of a sudden, Cole throws a piece wood and it starts a fire. I think I would have done the same thing if I was stuck in that situation.

Anonymous said...

Cole had to go to a island so he could learn wat his punishment was. His friends wanted to come with him so that they can talk to him. Then cole got anger because of wat garvey was saying. Then Cole finally calmed down. I thought it was not that interesting in some parts because it wasnt that interesting.

Anonymous said...

He was sent to the island. He had a flash back about detation. He was talking to garvey. He burned down his hut. It was bad because he burned down his hut.

Anonymous said...

1. Cole had to go to the island.
2. Garvey is calling him champ.
3. They are unloading his stuff.
4. Cole gets a towel.
5. I feal i would of done the same thing if i was as mad as him.

Anonymous said...

Cole had to go to the island.
Garvey is calling him champ.
They are unloading his stuff.
Cole gets a towel.
I feal i would of done the same thing if i was as mad as him.

Anonymous said...

The were mostly in the boat.His father agreed to pay all the expenses.They talked about the plants that can kill him.Cole got angery.

Anonymous said...

Garvy and Edwin droped Cole of on the island and left him there. Garvy and Edwin both told him what he has to do to survive. The next thing that Cole does is burn down the shelter. I think that Cole is a very bad person.

Anonymous said...

Garvy and Edwin dropped off cole off at the island and left him there. he lit a fire. he seemed really mad. i personaly would not like him as my brother or any relative.

Anonymous said...

In chapter 2 Cole has to stay on an island. I think he is going to try to get away from the island. At the end of the chapter he burns the shelter and know he has no where to live. I think he will wish that he wouldn't of burned it down. And will build a new one.

Anonymous said...

He is on the island and they talk about what he needs to do. They just got on the island. Now Garvey and Edwin leave the island. He is alone on the beach and now he is in his cabin and he burns it down. I think he shouldn't have had a cabin in the first place.

Anonymous said...

He was going to an island with handcuffs on and asked the guys he was with to take them off. And they keep on walking and he finally states walking to.Cole had a match so he threw it in the hut and so it burnt down. Now he dose not have a hut now.

Anonymous said...

They were mostly in the boat.His father agreed to pay all the expenses.They talked about the plants that can kill him.Cole got angery during the ride up there.

Anonymous said...

The police dropped him off ay the Island with the handcuffs on him when they dropped him off they left fast and in a hury after that he burned the shelter thing down.

Anonymous said...

They dropped cole off on a island. Cole had handcuffs on. They left coles stuff with him.


Anonymous said...

They dropped him off at the island and they left. He found a boat. He got told what to do to survive. He burns his hut down. He is really stupid.

Anonymous said...

The first thing that happened was they dropped him off at the island. Then they told him what he had to do for his punishment. Then he get's a log on fire. Then he burns down things. He's also on a boat.Cole is verry mean

Anonymous said...

They were on the boat most of the time. Cole had a flashback about detention. Cole was talking to Garvil. Cole burnt down his hut. I want to meat Cole.

Anonymous said...

Edwin and Garvey left Cole stranded on this Island.Then Garvey and Edwin told him what to do to sourvie.The next thing Cole did next was he burned down the vilige.I thought thst the story is goood.

Anonymous said...

9 Points possible

6th hour:
1. 6 - #5,3 nc; caps
2. not posted
3. not posted
4. 9 - okay
5. 7 - caps, #2 nc
6. 6 - #2 nc; caps, periods
7. not posted
8. not posted

7th hour:
1. not posted
2. not posted
3. #4 nc; spelling
4. not posted
5. 6 - #3,5 nc; spelling
6. 6 - more thoughts; spelling
7. 5 - #2,3,4 nc; spelling
8. not posted
9. 7 - spelling, period
10. 8 - #2 nc

8th hour:
1. not done
2. 7 - spelling, missing detail sentence
3. 7 - spelling, need more info
4. not posted
5. 8 - thoughts and feelings sentence
6. 2 - runon sentence; nc
7. 5 - #4 nc; fromat, spelling, caps
8. 7 - #4 nc; spelling

Anonymous said...

Garvey and Edwin dropped Cole with his handcuffs on and some supplies.
They arrive at the island and Cole asked if he can help carry some suplies up to the cabin.Garvey gives Cole his blanket that has been passed down by his people for generations. Edwin tells Cole if you eat you live if you don't you die.I still think he deserves to be on that island for what he did.

Anonymous said...

Cole and Garvy are in Kechakan, Alaska and garvy explains what Cole needs to survive but Cole was so full of rage that he burns down his shelter.The rising action starts when Garvy leaves cole by himself.The middle of the rising action is when Cole pores gas all over his suplise and shelter. The end of the rising action is when he burns the shelter . I fell that Cole needs some sense noked into him.

Anonymous said...

they dropped him off the island and they told him things that were on the island. They even told about the spirit bear but said if he saw him he will kill him. so they left with the boat.

Anonymous said...

Cole had to go to court and the judge told him he will have to stay at a Island until he learns his lesson.
When Cole got to the Island a person told him to take his clothes off infront of everyone.Then he walked with his friends around the Island to like explore it.After they were done with wandering around they all set up a camp for them.

Anonymous said...

The overall idea in this chapter is that they just dropped him off at the wilderness with two people. The beginning rising action is tht he burnt down his cabin so he did not have any where to go when he would get cold or hurt.The middle rising action is that he would not take any advise from the two people that where with him. The end rising action is that he does not care about the advise that the two people that they gave him. My though about this is that if I was in jail I would hate to be in handcufs all day long for the rest of my life that would be really boring to do that.