•Character Development
1. *Character development is the way an author develops a character by scattering clues throughout the story.
2. *Write a sentence explaining what we learn about Cole's personality in this chapter.
3. *Write the page number.
•Point of View
1. *Point of View is the perspective or vantage point of the author or who is telling the story. Look for clues like "I did..." or "I said..." This would tell you it was the character telling the story. If the clues say: "Cole did..." or "Cole said..." then it would be the narrator telling the story.
2. *Write a sentence from the story that gives an expamle of who is telling the story.
3. *Write a sentence that tells who is telling the story.
1. Similes are comparisons using “like or as”
2. *Find a simile in the second chapter and type it in the comment box.
3. *Write the page number where you found the simile.
1. *Character development is the way an author develops a character by scattering clues throughout the story.
2. *Write a sentence explaining what we learn about Cole's personality in this chapter.
3. *Write the page number.
•Point of View
1. *Point of View is the perspective or vantage point of the author or who is telling the story. Look for clues like "I did..." or "I said..." This would tell you it was the character telling the story. If the clues say: "Cole did..." or "Cole said..." then it would be the narrator telling the story.
2. *Write a sentence from the story that gives an expamle of who is telling the story.
3. *Write a sentence that tells who is telling the story.
1. Similes are comparisons using “like or as”
2. *Find a simile in the second chapter and type it in the comment box.
3. *Write the page number where you found the simile.
character development-
Coles attitude is very mean and very rude to people.
point of view-
Who's telling the story is Ben mikalsen.
pg.front cover.
"like a towel."
1.cole feels a little bit better not a whole lot but a little bit.
2.ben milkstan istelling the story
3."they wanted him locked up like a caged animal" pg.22
He tuke avantage of garvey because he didnt like him that much one reason is he kept calling him champ and he got mad at him for going that
Character Development
Coles is very mean and he deserves to be on the island.
page. 20
Point of View
Ben Mikaelsen is telling the story.
Front Cover of the book
They wanted him locked up like a caged animal.
page 22
1. Cole might not get the circle justice after all.
2. The Author is telling the story.
3. like a towel
cole is a bad boy.
point of fiew
Ben Mikalsen is telling the story.
lock him up like a caged animal.
Character Development, Cole is still very mean in this chapter.
pov, Quit calling me champ Cole mummbled. Th narrator is telling the story.
Simile, Like a little puppy.
1.)Cole kinda deserves to be in jail since he is a bully and all that good stuff.
2.)Ben mikalsen is telling us the story of touching spirit bear.
3.)they all wanted him to be locked like a wild caged up animal.
Character Development-
Cole is very naughty and really rude to lots of people.
Point of View-
The person telling the story is Ben Mikaelsen.I think that he is making Cole sound like a kind of mean person.
Page:The front cover and on the title page.
"like a towel"
giggle said...
Character Development-
Cole is very naughty and really rude to lots of people.
Point of View-
The person telling the story is Ben Mikaelsen.I think that he is making Cole sound like a kind of mean person.
Page:The front cover and on the title page.
"like a towel."
Charector Development
Cole bet up Peter.
point of view
Ben is teling the story.
People wanted him to be locked up.
1. We learned that Cole’s attitude is very bad because he was about to go to juve but he didn’t.
2. pg:20
3. the person telling the story is Ben Michelson
4. he is trying to make Cole sound tough and bully
5. like a towel pg:19
Character Development
He is not afraid of anything or anyone. He needs help.
point of view
the person telling the story is Ben Michelson. He is trying to make Cole sound tough and bully
like a little puppy that would fallow every rule
Character Development
He is not afraid of anything or anyone. He needs help.
pg 20
point of view
the person telling the story is Ben Michelson. He is trying to make Cole sound tough and bully
front end back cover
like a little puppy that would fallow every rule
pg 16
character development
He gets angry easily.
pg.24 & 25
Ppoint of View
Garvey said
Like a little puppy
Cole is very mean he beat up a kid name Peter. Cole had a angrey attitude.
Cole is a stubarn kind of person.
"get real, old man," Cole answered.
The author is telling the story.
That like hanging my self.
Character Development
Cole is not nice to anyone.
Point of view
The person telling the story is Ben Mikalsen.
Front cover
Like a puppy that would follow every rule
Chracter Devolopment-
He is very mean and terrible to people.
Point of View-
Ben Mikaelsen is telling the story.
Front cover of the book
He was like a little puppy.
4.)That if you eat everything you shall live but if you dont eat anything you will die.
5.)He had to spit.
Character Development-
Cole is a very rude kid.
Point of view-
Ben Mikaelsen is telling the story.
PAGE:Front Cover
They want him caged like a animal.
Character Development
Cole is really mean and not really many people like him.
Point of View
The person telling the story is Ben Mikaelsen and he is makeing Cole sound really mean.
PG.Really there is no page but I got it off the front cover.
"Like a towel."
Charater Development
Cole is rude and doesn't care about people.
Point of veiw
The narrator
any of them.
Cole is like an animal.
The front cover
character development-
Cole's attitude is very rude and mean.
point of veiw-
Ben Mikaelsen is telling the story.
pg.front cover
they wanted him locked up like a caged animal.
Character Delevopment
1. Cole gets very mean to Edwin and Garvy and can't control his anger.
2. Cole is a very naughty kid.
3. pg. 20
1.Character Delevopment
2. Cole is a very naughty kid.
3. pg. 20
1. Point of view
2. The person telling the story is ben.
2. The book said that they wanted him locked up like a caged animal.
your hands will swell up like sausages
page 17
point of view
the author of this story is Ben Mikaelsen
page front cover
Character development
We learn that coles personality is that he loves to get into fights
page 7
Character development
Coles personality is that he is not very nice
point of veiw
The person telling the story is Ben Mikaelsen
Front cover
like a towel
Cole is very mean he beat up a kid name Peter. Cole had a angrey attitude.
Get not done
9 points Possible
6th hour
1. 6 - #5,6 nc; write in whole sentences
2. 7 - #5,6 nc
3. 7 - #5,6 nc
4. 5 - #5,6 nc; space correctly, spelling
5. 6 - #5 nc; spelling, format
6. 5 - #5,6 nc; spelling, format
7. not posted
8. #2,4 nc; format
7th hour
1. not posted
2. 6 - #5,6 nc; spelling
3. 6 - page #s; spelling; labels
4. not done
5. not done
6. 6 - spelling; page #s; caps
7. 7 - #5,6 nc
8. 2 - format, not correct
9. 7 - #5,6 nc
10. 4 - #5, labels, sentences
8th hour
1. 7 - #5,6 nc
2. 7 - #5,6 nc
3. 4 - #5,8 nc; page #s
4. 8 - caps
5. 5 - #5,8,9 nc; spacing
6. 5 - format, labels, page#s, caps
7. 7 - format, spelling
8. 6 - #5,6,7 nc
9. 7 - #5,6 nc
1) He
2)Later, after school, Cole cornerd Peter outside in the parking lot.
3) The Narrator is because he says
him or he a lot.
1) Soon it explode like gunpowder
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