Write a 6 point summary over the events in chapter 7.
Sentence 1: Overall idea
Sentence 2: Beginning action
Sentence 3: Middle action
Sentence 4: End action
Sentence 5: Your thoughts and feelings and why
Sentence 6: You prediction
Sentence 1: Overall idea
Sentence 2: Beginning action
Sentence 3: Middle action
Sentence 4: End action
Sentence 5: Your thoughts and feelings and why
Sentence 6: You prediction
The summary is about cole and on the tide and the spirit bear comes and cole would like to kill the spirit bear but this time the spirit bear was not afraid of cole and at the end of the chapter cole was about to the spirit bear to kill it. i personal thoughts are i do not want the spirit bear to die because cole does not know that the spirit bear is gonna help him.
The summary is about cole trying to get some food and staying warm also his plan is to escape and succeed at killing the bear.
The overall idea of the story is that Cole wants to leave the island again but he is trying to stay calm.The beginning of the rising action is when the spirit bear comes for the first time.The middle of the rising action is when Cole decides to go to the next island.The end action is when Cole tries to kill the spirit bear.At the beginning of the story I thought he was starting to be a little better but then a became stupid again. I predict the he will make it to the island.
In the begging he tried to kill the bear. In the middle he caught a fish, and at the end he fought the bear again
Cole is still on the island and he sees the spirit bear twice. He makes a fire to make the mosquitos.
he sees the spirit bear again but it runs again. then he sees it again and this time it didnt run and stared down Cole. I think That Cole is going to have a go at the spirit bear and is going to get hurt.
Cole has not calmed down in the story.He wanted to kill Spirt Bear.He is still tring to get away from Garvery and Edwin.He inched closer and closer but the Spirit Bear didn't move.I think Cole is retarded to git that close.I think Cole will get scared and run away.
The summary is about Cole wanting to leave but he just tries to just let it off. Another thing is that Cole just really wanting to kill spirit bear but he never gets around to it.
not done
This chapter is mainly about Cole trying to find food. Cole is regreting burnning the shelter. Then Cole finds seaguls eatting fish so he takes it. Cole makes weapons to kill the bear. My personal thoughts are he wont kill the bear.
The main event that happened was that Cole ended up on the island again and met the spirit bear. Cole wakes up and tries to look for food. Cole finds a fish that seagulls were biting off. He sees the spirit and the spirit bear stares him down. I think that Cole isn't smart when he said he was going to kill the bear. I predict that Cole will fight the spirit bear.
The summary is mostly about Cole on the tide with spirit bear trying to kill him but Cole is also trying to kill spirit bear but obviously the bear was not afraid of cole and the bear leaves Cole wounded. my personal thoughts are I dont want cole to end up dying but i also dont really wanna see spirit bear dying either. my pridiction is that the police are going to come and see Cole all beat up and wounded.
They are in the circle justice. They all start talking about what to do with Cole. They start getting warmer about the things to do with him. they find out what to do with Cole. I do not like Coles dad in this chapter because he is so mean. I think he will get into big trouble with the spirite bear.
Cole is trying to fix a fire than he see's a Humpback Whale and her calf than he see's the Spirit Bear looking at him so he grabes his arrow and looks up than the Spirit Bear is gone than he eats the rest of his fish and sleeps on the cold damp ground.
The summary is about cole and on the tide and the spirit bear comes and cole would like to kill the spirit bear but this time the spirit bear was not afraid of Cole.He inched closer and closer but the Spirit Bear didn't move.
The overall idea of the story is Cole sees the spirit bear and trys to kill it but he misses. The spirit bear is not afraid of Cole and that makes Cole very mad. Cole remembers him burning down the shelter and wishes that he hadn't do that. I think that Cole will see the spirit bear again and try to kill it again.
The chapter is about him trying to swim nd not do well. He ended up in the ashes. The bear is not scared of him and does not move. He made a spear to get food. I think that he feels bad that he did burn down the shelter and because he is really cold. I think that he will get in trouble.
Cole tryed to stop the bear from staring at him when he saw him.He kepttrying to act tough when he kepy seeing the bear, but the bear was smarter than him.When he made a move to try to kill the bear, it attacted him before he tryed to stab him.When the bear was done fighting Cole, Cole just layed on the ground while the birds were eatting his sikn.The chapter was ok but i felt bad for Cole when he got hurt.I predict that Cole will not heal that good
He was trying to kill the bear. He found meat that was fish. He was getting ready to swim. He see's the bear. I tought the chapter was coll when he ate the fish.
Cole has made a fire and is waiting for the tides to go out. Then he falls asleep and hears a nose the wakes up to find the spirit bear. Then he grabs his spear and charges toward the bear.
This chapter was about Cole and the spirit bear. The spirit Bear kept staring at Cole and Cole didn't like it so Cole wanted to kill the Spirit Bear. He didn't understand why he was starring at him like that.
The over all idea in this chapter is that Cole was sent to the island for his punishment.The beginning action was when Cole woke up and tries to look for food.The middle action is when Cole finds a fish the seagulls where eating off of.The ending action was when Cole sees the spirit bear and the spirit bear stars him down.I think that he shouldn't of tried to kill the spirit bear because I think the spirit bear is there for a reason.I predicted that the spirit bear will kill him.
This chapter was about Cole and the spirit bear. The spirit bear kept staring at Cole and Cole didn't like it so, Cole wanted to kill the spirit bear. He didn't understand why he was starring like that.
10 points possible
6th hour:
1. 6 - caps, periods, format, predictions
2. 6 - caps, periods, grammar, prediction sentence
3. not done
4. not posted
5. not posted
6. 8 - caps; spelling
7. 5 - #1 nc; caps; format; spelling
7th hour:
1. 7 - format; caps; #5 nc
2. not posted
3. 6 - three missing sentences; spelling
4. 7 - #1,4 nc; need more detail
5. 8 - spelling; prediction sentence
6. 5 - run-on sentence; caps
7. 10 - great!
8. 7 - spelling, caps, periods
9. 8 - #5,6 nc
8th hour:
1. not posted
2. 8 - #1,5
3. not posted
4. 10 - great!
5. 10 - good
6. 9 - spelling
7. not done
8. 8 - spelling, prediction
9. 8 - see me about grade
The overal idea is that he wanted to kill the spirit bear. The beginning rising action is that Cole was going to sharpen the spear and throw it at the spirit bear. The middle rising action is that Cole threw the at the spirit bear but the bear moved out of the way of the spear that Cole had threwat the spirit bear. The end rising actiom is that Cole finally got attacked by the spirit bear. My thoughts and feelings are that Cole should never mess with a bear again in my life. My prediction is that Cole will never mess with a spirit bear for the rest of his life and never throw a spear at a spirit bear again.
In the begging he tried to kill the bear. In the middle he caught a fish, and at the end he found the bear again.
Well the overall idea is that cole now feels bad about burning his stuff. He makes the fire for warmth and to eat his food. In the middle of the chapter he finds little fish and eats them. The end action is when Cole Is making his spear getting ready for killing the bear. My thoughts and feeling are that cole is very stupid and selfish and not kind at all I predict that the bear will try to attack him back.
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