Write a 5 point paragraph summary on Chapter 5
Sentence 1: Overall idea
Sentence 2: Detail from the beginning
Sentence 3: Detail from the middle
Sentence 4: Detail from the end
Sentence 5: Your prediction
Sentence 1: Overall idea
Sentence 2: Detail from the beginning
Sentence 3: Detail from the middle
Sentence 4: Detail from the end
Sentence 5: Your prediction
Cole washed up on a island and saw the mysterious spirit bear. Cole was completely a mess when he washed up on a island. Cole said if he sees the spirit bear again he will kill it. The coucil is deciding what to do with Cole's punishment. I predict that Cole might go look for the sirit bear.
What was happening in this chapter was cole appeared on the island cause he couldnt swim that far so. but when he got on the island he saw the spirit bear and he started to pick up a rock to throw it at the spirit bear.
baby-19 said...
What was happening in this chapter was cole appeared on the island cause he couldnt swim that far so. but when he got on the island he saw the spirit bear and he started to pick up a rock to throw it at the spirit bear. my prediction is that the spirit bear is gonna come back and it might help cole but cole thinks that the bear is gonna eat it or something.
Cole was having a hard time swimming because of the rain falling on him. Cole threw a weapon at the bear and missed then the white bear ran away and got really mad. Cole then remembers about the council. My predictions are that Cole will run into the bear again and will maybe kill it.
Cole tried to swim away from the island but then he looked back at the island and he was still on the bay of the island but then his limbs started to feel like wood.The next thing he new he was drifting back and he was back on the island then it drew daarker and every once in a while he would fall into a faintless sleep
He was swimming. He stopped to go to sleep. He saw the bear. He had a flash back on when he was in court. I think he will get in more trouble with the bear.
The overall idea is that Cole is trying to swim and he stats to realize that he is not moving. He is swimming. He is so sore he is from trying to swim. He is at a meeting for the circle thing. I think he is gunna ware the At.'oow.
What happened was that Cole swan to an island and suddenly he say spirit bear. When Cole arrived at the island he was all messed up.I remember earlyer in the chaapter cole said if he ever say spirit bear he would kill it and so when he sees spirit bear again hes probably gunna try to kill him. the court is decining what to do with Cole for his punishment
Cole fell asleep on a new island.And when he woke up he was all tore up and bruised and scratched.Cole and then he woke up and saw a big spirit bear and was scared.I predict that cole will go after and try to kill the bear.
The overall idea is that Cole is trying to swim and he stats to realize that he is not moving. He is swimming. What was happening in this chapter was cole appeared on the island cause he couldnt swim that far so. But when he got on the island he saw the spirit bear and he started to pick up a rock to throw it at the spirit bear. He is at a meeting for the circle.
Cole had to swim across the water to get to the other side.Then while he was swiming he couldnt move because he was get so numb.When he woke up he found himself on the mouth of the bay.When he started the fire he saw a white bear, the it disappered.My prediction his Cole might not live for very long he might die at the end.
Cole was having a hard time swimming rain was falling down hard on his skin. Cole threw a weapon at the bear and then missed him then the bear ran away,Cole got very mad at it. He then remembers about the council. My predictions are that Cole might see the bear again and then try to kill it again.
In this chapter the overall idea is that coles flashbacks, his attemps to get away and who he me. Cole was trying to swim away, and his legs felt like wood from the cold. He washed up on the beach and his chest was stinging.
Cole met the bear and was going to kill it. my prediction is cole is going to try and get away again.
Cole got to the island and saw the Spirit Bear. When Cole got there he was a total mess. When Cole saw the pirit Bear he picked up a rock and threw it at the Spirit Bear. My prediction is that the Spirit Bear is going to come back and hurt Cole.
I like that Cole found Spirt Bear.It was said that Cole had to come back I would had like to see what he would had did on the other side.Spirt Bear found Cole.He blamed his parents,Peter,and Circle Justice.I predict that he will try to swim across again.
Cole is trying to swim to another island. But the tide is coming inward so it is harder to swim plus it is raining so it is even harder and he is trying to swim about 1 mile or 3/4
of a mile.
Cole Started a fire and saw the Spirt Bear he took a rock and made a sharp ARROW head out of it. than as he looked up the Spirt Bear was gone. He Said: You maggot!,I'll Kill You!
Cole had washed up on the island and saw the mysterious spirit bear.Cole was such a mess when he washed up on the island.Then Cole said if I see the sprit bear again he would kill it.Now the council is deciding what to do with Cole's punishment.I predict that Cole will see the sprit bear again and tries to kill it but it didn't work.
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