Write a 5 sentence summary in paragraph form.
Use correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
•Sentence 1: Overall idea of what happened in the chapter
•Sentence 2: Beginning rising action
•Sentence 3: Middle rising action
•Sentence 4: End rising action
•Sentence 5: Your thoughts and feelings
In chapter one, Cole leaves for the island from Chicago. Cole decided to go to bakers camp in Alaska. His grandparents were very proud of his decision. They took him by boat to the special camp. I feel that Cole is going to have a spectacular time at the camp.
Cole is going to Alaska as a punishment for beating up Peter and a break-in. Cole then decides to go to Circle Justice.
Cole is looking back on what has happened. He is getting sent away because to justice circle. He had the choice to stay there or go to Alaska. He is about ready to go to Alaska. I think he should have worse punishment.
In chapter one, cole leaves to go to the isalnd. cole chose to go to the island because he didnt want to go anywhere else. cole talks to Garvy and Garvy tells him to be good
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In chapter 1, Cole is going to the island in Alaska because he beat up Peter Driscal. Cole is going to the island because he doesn't want to go to jail. Cole has a flashback of when he was beating Peter. He the thniks about his mom and dad coming to see him- before they got divorsed. I think it was really sad when Cole had a flashback and thought of his dad beating him.
In this chapter Cole is getting sent to Alaska. Broke in to a hardware store. He beats up Peter and he is send to a juvenile detention center. He joins Circle justice. I think it was bad when he beat up Peter.
Cole is going to Ketchikia, Alaska.Then Cole was beating up this kid. He went to jail for beating up mre kids. Garvey told Cole he could join circle justice but then Cole tricked Garvey. I thougth he was a very stubbern kid
Cole is going to Alaska. Cole is at the island and he is flashing back to when he beat up Peter. Then he wen to the detention center. Now he was sent to Alaska for circle justice. I feel he should be alone on the island.
In chapter 1 Cole goes to alaska because he beat up Peter Driscal.
Cole is going to circle justice instead of jail.Cole has a flashback of when he was beating Peter. Then we went to detension class for beating up peter.I think it was funny when he had to get out of his cloths.
In chapter one Cole gets sent to the island. He is going there for beating up Peter. He chose the island because he thinks its easy. He was striped naked and put his clothes on inside out. I feel mad at Cole for beating him up.
Coal gets sent to the
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In chapter one, Cole is going to Alaska as a punishment for beating up Peter and breaking into a hardware store. He has to go to Justice Circle. He beats up Peter. His parents try to help him get out but it didn't work, so he go really mad at his parents. I think that sending Cole there was a good idea, because now the city or country is safe from him.
What happened in the story was that Cole was beating up a kid and he was hospitalized and that Cole was mad because his parents were getting a divorce. And now he is going out of state so he won’t go to jail and so he won’t have to see his parents for a while. so he goes and meets two guys along the way and they go along with him.and now they are finally in Alaska. My feelings are just like his I wish I could go to Alaska.
Cole got into aafight with peter and went to a detenion center. Cole decided to go to Alaska instead of going to Jail.
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In chapter one, Cole leaves for the island from Chicago. He had the choice to stay there or go to Alaska. He chose the island because he thinks its easy. And now he is going out of state so he won’t go to jail and so he won’t have to see his parents for a while. I think that sending Cole there was a good idea, because now the city or country is safe from him.
In chapter one Cole decides to go to a island in Alaska or he would be in a jail cell right now. Cole likes it better in Alaska
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Cole is sent to the island.
Cole is left on the island and Garvy said you can only eat sertin food.
Than he Garvy says there is a log cabin.
Cole Turns his cloths inside out.
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Cole has to go to an island for a punishment. He has to go to the island because he beat up a kid. I dont think he wants to go. I wonder why Cole has to beat up people. I wonder how hurt the kid is.
Cole is going to alaska for beating up peter in a break in. Then he decides to go to circle justice.
hunter said...
Cole is going to alaska to a juvinille center for beating up peter in a break in. Then he decides to go to circle justice.
Cle is getting sent away.Cole beet up a kid.Cole goes to the cuncul senter.The are in the boat.I think Cole should go there longer.
In chapter one the over all thing that went down is Cole robing a hardware store and beeting a boy so bad he had to go to the hospitul. Cole is going to the island now for his punishment. When he got thare his gards made him take off his clothes and turn them in side out. one of his gards was staring at him and Cole dident like it so he spit at him.
In chapter one Cole was going to Ketchikia,Alaska.Than he went to jail for beating up Peter Driscal.Thin Garvy told Cole he could join Circle Justice.But thin Cole trick Garvey.What I thought about the story and the feeling I felt so sorry for Cole.
Cole got into aafight with peter and went to a detenion center. Cole decided to go to Alaska instead of going to Jail. On the way there he was told to turn his clothes inside out for the first.
When he got there thaey had to unload all of his stuff. I think that he will not survive he is in Alaska.
wheel said...
Cole got into a fight with peter and went to a detenion center. Cole decided to go to Alaska instead of going to Jail. On the way there he was told to turn his clothes inside out for the first.
When he got there thaey had to unload all of his stuff. I think that he will not survive he is in Alaska.
In chapter one Cole decides to go to a island in Alaska or he would be in a jail cell right now. Cole likes it better in Alaska than he would in a jail cell. He has to be with two other people that he don't now very well but that is his punishment that he has to deal with for beating up Peter Driscle at school. I think that he should get to be set free into the wild.
Cole is sent to the island.
Cole is left on the island and Garvy said you can only eat sertin food.
Than he Garvy says there is a log cabin.
Cole Turns his cloths inside out.
I Really think Cole has an IQ of an Aunt. He Cant Blame Other People For His Problems!
In chapter 1 cole goes to an island because he beat up peter driscal. Cole is a very bad boy. his dad is a drunk. and his mom doesnt do anything when his dad beats him. Cole needs to learn that he needs to be nicer to people around him because he is no good at anything. all he does is argue.
In this chapter Cole leaves from Minneapolis to Ketchican, Alaska. The being of the rising action is when he decides join circle Justice then gets cent away because he didn't get in and he didn't want to go to juvenile. The middle of the rising action is when the are they are on the boat to Alaska. The end of the rising action is when he turns his clothes inside out on the dock in front of the hole town.I feel that Cole has a very bad temper.
n this chapter Cole leaves from Minneapolis to Ketchican, Alaska. The being of the rising action is when he decides join circle Justice then gets cent away because he didn't get in and he didn't want to go to juvenile. The middle of the rising action is when the are they are on the boat to Alaska. The end of the rising action is when he turns his clothes inside out on the dock in front of the hole town.I feel that Cole has a very bad temper.
November 1, 2007 12:39 PM
9 Points possible
6th hour
1. 7 - caps, spelling
2. 7 - #2 nc, spelling
3. 7 - caps, spelling
4. 6 - #1,2 nc, copied previous ideas
5. 7 - #2 nc, repeated same idea
6. 5 - #2,3 nc, spelling, caps
7. 6 - spelling, caps, form
8. 5 - missing 3 sentences
7th hour
1. not posted
2. not posted
3. 7 - missing 2 detail sentences
4. not posted
5. 7 - complete sentences
6. 6 - form, caps, #4
7. 8 - spelling
8. 8 - spelling
9. not posted
10. 7 - #4 nc, spelling
8th Hour
1. 4 - caps, spelling, missing sentences
2. 7 - spelling, grammar
3. 7 - #5 nc, spelling
4. not posted
5. 6 - spelling, grammar
6. not posted
7. 9 - good
8. 7 - #3 nc, repeated info
9. 7 - spelling, using "rising action" incorrectly
Coal gets sent to the the island for what he had done to Peter. Coal starts to have a flashback of what he did to Peter. Then he goes to a detention center for part of his punishment. The Garvey tells Cole about cicle justice. I think he deserves to be in circle justice for what he did to Peter.
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