Pretend you are telling your best friend about this chapter.
What would you tell them?
What do they need to know?
Now, write that into a paragraph!
You have such wonderful ideas, now be proud of what you write by spelling things right, using your best grammar and capitalizing what needs to be.
I will be judging all of the summaries and will be awarding one person from each class for the most complete summary. Good Luck!
Well I would tell my best friend that this chapter is one of the very best. Do you know why because I think he actually found some feelings in this chapter. I also think you should know that This chapter changed the book around so far. Do you know why because he found out that he wants to live. And not just that he also found out that the birds helped him because he now wants to live past that day and to have some feelings and compassion for other people. And that is what I would tell my best friend.
I would tell my best friend that this chapter is one of the very best. Do you know why because I think Cole actually found some feelings in this chapter. I also think you should know that this chapter changed the book around so far. Do you know why because Cole found out that he wants to live. Not just that he also found out that the birds helped him because he now wants to live past that day and to have some feelings and compassion for other people. That is what I would tell my best friend.
I would tell my best friend that this chapter is one of the very best. Do you know why because I think he actually found some feelings in this chapter. I also think you should know that This chapter changed the book around so far. Do you know why because Cole found out that he wants to live.Not just that he also found out that the birds helped him because he now wants to live past that day and to have some feelings and compassion for other people. And that is what a best friend would do.
I would tell them about those thoughtful little birds that passed away in a voilent storm. I also would tell them that Cole extremely needs to find some norishment fast. The birds in this chapter have a horrible impact on Cole. I also say that Cole needs to find norishment that will give Cole an extremely full stomach.
Cole found something to eat.He ate worms and bugs.He was happy to get some thing in is body.He needed to go to the bathroom but he can't get up to go some were else.Then at the end of the chapter he caught a mouse.
That this is the best chapter of the book so far. They need to know that Cole has some feelings.
I would tell my best friend, Cole could only move his head and his (left) arm. He couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom. Cole got more jealous of the birds and said, "Well for them life continue." Then Cole actually started feeling sorry for the birds once he found the nest. Cole found four baby birds squirming in the grass. He also found two baby birds laying on the ground with their mouth wide open like they were looking for food. Cole said they didn't deserve to die
Chapter ten is about Cole Matthews lying under the tree still wondering if the baby bird are okay.Then he looks up and sees the birds dead. To him it looked like they were trying to reach the nest.
Well I would tell my best friend that this chapter is one of the very best. Do you know why because I think he actually found some feelings in this chapter. I also think you should know that This chapter changed the book around so far. Do you know why because he found out that he wants to live. And not just that he also found out that the birds helped him because he now wants to live past that day and to have some feelings and compassion for other people. And that is what I would tell my best friend.
I would tell my best friend that this chapter is one of the very best. Do you know why because I think Cole actually found some feelings in this chapter. I also think you should know that this chapter changed the book around so far. And not just that he also found out that the birds helped him because he now wants to live past that day and to have some feelings and compassion for other people. And that is what I would tell my best friend.
That this is the best chapter so far. They need to know that Cole has some feeling's for people.
I would tell my bestfriend about what happened in the chapter.Theres feeling in this chaoter that is hurtful when you read it.i would also tell them how it ends and startes
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