Monday, October 22, 2007

TSB - Chapter 3 - Summary

Write a summary in paragraph form over chapter 3.

•Sentence 1: Overall idea of what happened in the chapter
•Sentence 2: Beginning rising action
•Sentence 3: Middle rising action
•Sentence 4: End rising action
•Sentence 5: Your thoughts and feelings

TSB - Chapter 3 - Questions

Answer the following questions after you read the chapter.

Write complete sentences and restate the questions within your answer.

1. What was Garvey trying to teach Cole with the cake? P. 28-30
2. How does Cole really feel about being on the island? p. 31
3. Why is he laughing on p. 30?
4. Why is Cole swimming?

5. What are your predictions at the end of this chapter?

TSB - Chapter 3 - Skill

1. Similes
– comparing two unlike items using “like” or “as”
  • Find 2 similies, write them in the comment box and then write the page on which they were found.
2. Conflict
– problems that happening in the story. There are 5 different types of conflict:
person v. person
person v. self
person v. nature
person v. fate
person v. society (group of people)
  • Write a sentence using an example from this chapter to show one type of conflict.
Text to Self Connections
3. Text to Self Connections – how can you relate to this story
  • Write a sentences sharing how you can relate to Cole and what he is going through.

Friday, October 19, 2007

TSB - Chapter 2 - Summary

Write a 5 sentence summary over Chapter 2.

•Overall idea of what happened in the chapter
•Beginning rising action
•Middle rising action
•End rising action
•Your thoughts and feelings

TSB - Chapter 2 - Questions

Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

Restate the question in your answer.

•1. What does the island look like when Cole gets there?
•2. What did Cole do with his anger at the end of the chapter?
•3. Why did Garvey and Edwin ignore Coles question on p.16?
•4. What advise does Edwin give Cole before leaving?
•5. Why do you think there was a bitter flavor in Cole’s mouth on p. 25?

TSB - Chapter 2 - Skill

Character Development
1. *Character development is the way an author develops a character by scattering clues throughout the story.
2. *Write a sentence explaining what we learn about Cole's personality in this chapter.
3. *Write the page number.

Point of View
1. *Point of View is the perspective or vantage point of the author or who is telling the story. Look for clues like "I did..." or "I said..." This would tell you it was the character telling the story. If the clues say: "Cole did..." or "Cole said..." then it would be the narrator telling the story.
2. *Write a sentence from the story that gives an expamle of who is telling the story.
3. *Write a sentence that tells who is telling the story.

1. Similes
are comparisons using “like or as”
2. *Find a simile in the second chapter and type it in the comment box.
3. *Write the page number where you found the simile.